Why You Can't Ignore Google Enhanced Conversions Anymore

Unlock the power of Google Enhanced Conversions to skyrocket your conversion tracking accuracy and craft unbeatable bidding strategies! Imagine upgrading your regular tags with a magic touch, sending encrypted first-party data straight from your website to Google—privacy intact. 

What Are Enhanced Conversions?

Enhanced conversions enhance the precision of conversion tracking and enable more effective bidding strategies. This feature enhances your current conversion tags by securely transmitting hashed first-party conversion data from your site to Google, ensuring privacy. It employs a secure one-way hashing algorithm, SHA256, to process first-party customer information, like email addresses, before sharing with Google.

How Enhanced Conversions Work

Enhanced Conversions increase accuracy by using data from actions like purchases or form submissions. This involves gathering details like email, name, address, and phone number, hashing them, and sending to Google. Google then matches this with Google account info for accurate conversion tracking. Depending on the Enhanced Conversion type, this hashed data refines measurement, making it essential for understanding conversion performance.

Example Process

  1. A user visits your website and makes a purchase.

  2. During the checkout process, they enter their email address.

  3. This email address is hashed and sent to Google.

  4. Google matches the hashed email with its database.

  5. The conversion is attributed more accurately.

Types of Enhanced Conversions 

Enhanced Conversions for Web

Enhanced Conversions for the web streamline tracking sales and events. By encrypting user data like email addresses and phone numbers, conversion tracking improves. This data is securely encoded with SHA256 and sent to Google, where it matches signed-in Google accounts, linking customers to their actions. 

This boosts ad performance by providing a more accurate conversion count and enhances existing tags without risking privacy.

Key Strategies for Success

  1. Google Tag Manager: Adjust your setup using Google Tag Manager.

  2. Direct Implementation: Use the Google tag directly on your page.

  3. Google Ads API: For more control and detailed conversion data, turn on Enhanced Conversions via the Google Ads API.

Source: Google Ads Help - Enhanced Conversions for Web

Enhanced Conversions for Lead

Google Enhanced Conversions for leads tracks sales activities like phone calls or emails without changing lead forms or CRM systems. Securely hashed data from your site's lead forms, like email addresses, links sales to your Google Ad campaigns without needing a Google click ID (GCLID).

This approach makes integrating conversion data into Google Ads simpler and more efficient. Plus, if preferred, you can still use GCLID for data uploads.

Boost Your Lead Conversion Techniques in Four Steps

  1. Google Tag Manager: Tweak settings for enhanced lead conversions.

  2. Google Tags on Webpage: Make small changes to enable enhanced conversions.

  3. Lead Form Ads: Set up enhanced conversions directly; Google-hosted forms capture needed data automatically.

  4. Google Ads API: Use the API for precise tracking and more data control.

Source: Google Ads Help - Enhanced Conversions for Lead

Why Are Enhanced Conversions Important?

Improved Conversion Accuracy

Enhanced Conversions offer better tracking accuracy. Traditional methods often miss conversions because of cookie limits or when users switch devices. Enhanced Conversions fix this by using first-party data, making attribution more reliable.

Better Performance Insights

Enhanced Conversions offer a clear insight into ad performance, giving you accurate conversion data. This shows which campaigns, keywords, and ads are most valuable, helping you optimize your advertising strategy for maximum budget efficiency.

Enhanced Targeting and Personalization

Enhanced Conversions boost targeting and personalization. Accurate conversion tracking improves retargeting and personalized ads, increasing engagement and ROI.

Adhering to Privacy Laws

To prioritize privacy, data sent to Google via Enhanced Conversions is hashed for security, aligning with GDPR and CCPA to ensure legal compliance in advertising methods.

Standard vs. Enhanced Conversion Tracking in GA4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) conversion tracking to meet your goals: standard and enhanced. Standard tracking focuses on conversions directly on your website. Enhanced tracking expands this by monitoring both online and offline conversions. It uses machine learning to study user behavior, helping identify events that could drive conversions. These insights are vital for enhancing your ad campaigns and boosting conversion rates.

System Specifications

Make sure you have a Google Ads account and your website has a Google Ads tag or uses Google Tag Manager. Also, you should have a conversion action set up in Google Ads.

Best Practices

For the best results with Enhanced Conversions, here are some top tips:

  • Right Attribution Model: Use the right attribution model for your business goals.

  • Conversion Window: Set an appropriate conversion window that reflects the customer journey.

  • Proper Setup: Ensure that the conversion action is set up correctly.

  • Regular Monitoring: Monitor the performance of Enhanced Conversions regularly and adjust settings as needed.

Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads are a big improvement in tracking conversions. They use your data to be more accurate, provide deeper insights, improve targeting, and meet privacy rules. Setting them up is straightforward and can significantly improve your advertising efforts.

Reach out with any questions you might have regarding how RSO can help you with your digital marketing.

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