Six Types of Millennials You Should Know: Part 2
We are back with Part Two of Six Types of Millennials You Should Know. In Part One we covered some of the defining characteristics of this demographic group that typically hates being put in a box.
Some other generational attitudes and behaviors include wanting instant gratification and connecting with a greater number of people more frequently in real time. Millennials value speed, ease, and efficiency in all transactions. This preference for convenience can be seen literally at convenience stores where you might have noticed an expanding grocery section. Studies show that Millennials shop for groceries at convenience stores twice as often as non-Millennials.
Millennials are social both online and offline. Forty-six percent have two hundred or more friends on Facebook, and feel like they are left out when they are not up to date on their social-media feeds. They feel validated when the community “likes” their post, but this appetite for socializing and validation extends beyond the Internet. They desire connection and shared experience and are more likely to engage in group activities with people outside of their immediate family. This is good news for business because people shopping in groups tend to spend more money than those who shop alone.
Following the Hip-ennial and the Millennial Mom, the Anti-Millennial is the third largest subgroup that constitutes the demographic. He or she is locally minded and conservative, seeking comfort and familiarity over excitement, change, or interruption. The group is slightly more female, more likely to be Hispanic and from the western United States.
The “Gadget Guru” is a successful, wired, free-spirited, confident, whose tagline is “It’s a great day to be me.” This single, male-dominated group has an above-average income and feels this is his best decade. He owns the most devices and pushes and contribute content.
The “Clean and Green Millennial” is impressionable, cause-driven, healthy, green, positive. He is the greatest contributor of content that tends to be cause-related. This group is also male-dominated, younger, and likely to be a full-time student.
The “Old School Millennial” is not wired. She is confident, independent, and self-directed. She spends the least amount of time online and opts to read instead.
Millennials’ use and understanding of media consumption, social-media usage, advocacy and cause marketing, shopping technology indicate future trends. Non-millennial executives must examine their attitudes toward Millennials and pay attention in order to gain valuable insights for tomorrow.