2022 Trends in Search Data

Are you looking for the latest search data trends of 2022?

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the changes happening in search?

In this article, we’re breaking down the 2022 trends in search data, so you can get all the information you need immediately.

Here’s what you need to know.

Brand Rank

Brand rank – how often a brand or domain name is mentioned in the copy on other sites – is in the spotlight this year. That’s because we now have the technology to track where brand names are mentioned across the web. This could include earned media, affiliate sites where you have a presence, and ecommerce sites like Amazon.

To measure brand rank, you’ll want to tap Google Search Console (GSC) for the data. This tool shows you where you appear in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) for certain keywords. In turn, you can leverage these insights to improve your online presence and guide your organic strategy.

Ultimately, this helps improve your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) around your brand in organic search, a search data trend for 2022.

E-A-T Metrics  

E-A-T is likely something you have been hearing about for the past few years. This year, we have even better ways to measure the effectiveness of our efforts.

E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. It is one of the guidelines Google uses to determine if your content is valuable for readers and, if so, if it should rank well in search results.

To look at your metrics, you can turn to Google Search Console. There you will be able to get more insights on any pages that are “not indexed” in Google. Non-indexed pages are those not showing up in search results, which negatively affect the E-A-T metrics. The GSC tool allows you to see the number of pages that are indexed vs. not indexed, so you can make adjustments where needed.

Core Web Vitals

The focus of Core Web Vitals is to measure a page’s load speed from a user experience perspective, but it also determines the interactivity (how quickly someone can interact with the page) and layout of the page. They are a key component to Google’s Page Experience Update, which the search engine views as one measure of the content’s quality.

GSC offers a Core Web Vitals dashboard that can be used to measure how your site stacks up against these standards, and even offers tips on improving them. This data can also help you understand how your category or segment performs, enabling you to set better goals relevant to your industry.

Click Paths

In 2022, the ability to see click paths for your website visitors will take center stage. Click paths allow you to see a user’s journey from one page to the next as they click through your website. You can leverage this data to determine the next page for optimization and what other pages need SEO. It can also come in handy when developing site links.

Google Analytics, or GA, is one of the top tools for analyzing click paths, as it gives you a visual representation of the journey. Once you’re logged in to your GA account, you can find this data under the “Behavior Flow” option.

Google Topics

You may have heard about Google Topics as the alternative to third-party cookie advertising. But you can also leverage Topics for your SEO initiatives. For example, by viewing the list of topics identified by Google Ads, you can then see where you might take advantage of SEO for topics that are not covered within that list. You can fill those content gaps and potentially show up in SERPs in topics where there’s much less likelihood to be ads served ahead of organic rankings.

How to Leverage Search Data Trends in 2022

If you want to start implementing these trends into your search marketing strategy, then be sure to check out the tools mentioned earlier. If you need help with the tools or interpreting the data, reach out. We are a data-driven digital marketing agency certified in Google Analytics and other Google marketing tools.

Reach out with any questions you might have regarding how RSO can help you with your digital marketing.

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