More Reporting Capabilities in AdWords
Google Analytics added more reporting capabilities to AdWords, beefing up integrations between the two. There are numerous new functions that merit highlighting.
Deeplinking into AdWords from the AdWords Reporting Section in Google Analytics
Google has made it easier to take action directly in AdWords. Advertisers used to have to manually locate the corresponding campaign in AdWords to make changes. Logos now appear next to each campaign in Google Analytics. Clicking on the logo will take users directly to its corresponding campaign in AdWords.
[Attribution 360] Data Studio Integration
Users of Attribution 360 will be allowed to access data using Data Studio. It is possible to connect TV’s and Digital Attribution data for presentations shared throughout the user’s organizations.
Flexible Auto-tagging Override for GA-AdWords Linking
Google will make auto-tagging override flexible. This means advertisers can have greater control over UTM values for AdWords click data in Analytics. The feature will be further enhanced over the next few weeks, which will allow advertisers to use auto-tagging to automatically import AdWords data into Analytics, but use UTM values in the destination URL, when present. Advertisers can customize Campaign, Source, Medium, Content, Keyword dimension values using UTM values and see AdWords impressions, clicks and cost data in the AdWords reports in GA.
New Sitelinks report in AdWords reporting section in GA
Google added a new Sitelinks report to the AdWords reporting section GA. This includes data for actual clicks on Sitelinks that lead to a website visit instead of just clicks on an ad when a Sitelink is present.
AdWords Final URL Dimension
This change is in line with AdWords’ switch in emphasis from destination URLs to final URLs. AdWords recently launched URL upgrades. The destination URLs report in the AdWords section was renamed the Final URLs report.
User Explorer Reporting
A new set of reports in GA lets users analyze anonymized individual interactions with websites and apps. This feature is available in the Audience sections.