Broadcasting your digital content may require a different marketing strategy.
How Attention Writes Your Digital Marketing Content
Devices. Channels. Context. Content. We’re all trying to bring together the fragments of what we now call digital marketing, so we can communicate more personally. Yet, as consumers are creating their own decision journeys, it becomes increasingly more challenging to arrive at those exact moments with the right words and influence. This is why a different approach to digital content may be worth a look.
Digital Content Then and Now
You’ve probably been hearing for years that you need to generate more and better content. Blogs, white papers, social media posts, email campaigns – the list goes on and on.
As you may have surmised by now, there are more than a few companies on this digital marketing agenda. And it’s getting crowded.
So crowded that even incredibly great content that is unique, humorous, and has all those qualities you were told to include, are having a tough time making it to the readers who matter.
If you’re feeling frustrated, you’re not alone.
It isn’t that digital content doesn’t matter anymore; it does. And it probably always will. But when you’ve exhausted all your engines churning out various forms of communication, then you may be better served with a different focus.
Get Attention, Then Content Writes Itself
The kind of focus I’m referring to here is your own business. Assuming you’re not in the business of creating or curating digital content, your focus should be on putting out the most awesome products in your category or delivering the very best customer service in your field.
Stand out. Be amazing.
When you do something so extraordinary, you won’t have to spend your time creating all of the digital marketing content. Consumers who are amazed by you will do the writing. They will exclaim what a mind-blowing experience they had at your store across social media walls, they will put up a dynamite review for others to see, and they won’t be able to help themselves when it comes to blogging about your company. They will love you, and they will generate the content.
And you really can’t get any more authentic than that.