7 Blog Post Ideas for Tech Companies

The technology sector is not a boring place to be these days. The advent of big data, cloud storage, security, mobility, analytics, and the Internet of Things…the list really does go on.

Which, on the surface, makes it seem like generating content for your tech blog should be easy. Considering the influx of new technologies, mind-blowing products, and innovative services, what don’t you have to write about?

The problem is, there is so much information that it can be hard to narrow it down to discussions that are relevant, interesting, and ultimately appealing to your specific audience.

It’s like big data; there is so much of it, that we need tools to help us sort, organize, and figure out just how to use that information to our advantage.

So, in the spirit of good blogging stewardship, we offer these seven blog post ideas that can be easily adapted for any tech company:

  1. New Products or Services: Your blog is an ideal venue for spreading the word about a product release or service update. In general, promotional posts should be used sparingly, but if your company happens to have a lot of new products or services that come to market, then follow this rule of thumb: for every promotional post, create three that are non-promotional.

  2. Industry News: As highlighted above, the technology sector has a lot going on, so the challenge is not going to be finding something to talk about on your blog. The challenge is going to be deciding which news can your audience relate to the most, and how you can write about it using your own perspective and opinions.

  3. Trends: How do your products or services address current technology challenges in the enterprise? Is your company developing a proprietary tool that is reshaping business functions? Write a blog post about it, and show why your tech company is considered an authority in the field.

  4. How-to: Everyone loves a how-to blog post, including your readers. Show CIOs a step-by-step guide to developing an analytics report, or present a video tutorial on custom setup so your customers can get the most from using your product.

  5. Reviews: Nothing is more compelling than a review of your product or service by someone who has actually used it. Evaluate your user base, and ask a few individuals to write about their experiences. Build a blog post around their discussion.

  6. Events: Are you attending a trade show or conference? Will you be speaking? Make sure your readers know about it: include booth numbers, presentation times, and event-related parties where you can be found. If you don’t have time to write about the event beforehand, then create one while you are there or an event recap shortly after you return.

  7. Awards: Customers love doing business with award-winning companies, so don’t be afraid to share the news when you are recognized. Create a blog post that tells about the background of the awarding organization, the selection process, and what it means to be an award winner.

What are some other ways you think tech companies should use blogs? Tell us in the comments.

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