Facebook Mobile Users: Numbers Don’t Lie!

Facebook users are growing, and as they grow, so does the proportion of users who access it through mobile. In August, Facebook announced its intention to share country-wise, web and mobile monthly and daily user counts. You might be surprised to know that 78% of Facebook’s 128 million daily users, that is a whopping 101 million daily users, access it on mobile.

What this means for Businesses?

They say numbers don’t lie and that can’t be truer in this case. 101 million is too huge a number for anyone to ignore. What you need to do is make sure your presence on Facebook is tailored to the needs of this massive group of mobile users. Here are a few tips you can use to get ahead:

Use Mobile Friendly Photos

Visual content always draws people in. Make sure that the size of your photos is compatible with viewing on a mobile device.

Ads Designed for Mobile

When creating Ads, keep in mind your mobile-device using audience; focus more on the visuals and keep the text to a minimum. Also, find out the suitable sizes that can be viewed on these devices.

Mobile-Optimized Website

Don’t get too caught up in just your Ads. Remember the purpose behind your Ads, which is to draw people to your website in order to tell them more about your products or services. Make sure you have a mobile-optimized website and landing page ready for anyone who clicks on your Ad.

Facebook Ad Products

You can also use Facebook’s own Ad products to your advantage with mobile Facebook users. Promoted posts are simply your own page posts that you can insert into the newsfeeds of your target audience. Sponsored stories are also paid ads that appear in users’ news feeds. Both are accessible to mobile device users and are less intrusive than paid Ads.

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